Wednesday, February 25, 2009
spring break finally!
i am so relieved that midterms are over.
Text Colori think i did okay.
passed, at least.
of course I could have done way better had I not waited until the last minute to study.
the aniexty is going to kill me not knowing what i have and having to wait for a week to pass before I know.
now, i am on spring break.
plans for spring break you ask?
i am going to philly friday night and staying until wednesday.
i am not sure whether i'm looking forward to this trip or not.
It would be nice to go shoppin while there.
philadelphia has some of the best shopping ever.
i am curious as to what we are going to do
because I am going to visit my father again.
In the best possible world, we'd hang out, shop, & he'd decide to give me money to handle all my finanical needs including an apartment!
that's highly doubtful.
a girl can wish though right?
i am definitely not looking forward to the weather.
it is still freezing there.
snowing as a matter of fact.
i don't think i have a heavy enough coat.
i've tried desperately to find one.
no luck.
so i'm stuck with my brown ralph lauren pea coat i done had since 03.
i am also in desperate need of jeans and shoes to cover my feet.
i bought two pair of boots from baker's but I regret it.
Hopefully, I'll be able to return them.
I am so picky with clothes,
which is partly why I don't enjoy shopping.
I don't know it's hard to explain.
i love fashion.
but i hate shopping & getting dressed...
maybe because i can't afford the lovely fashions that grace the pages of harper's bazaar & vogue.
i also desperately need a new weave.
i want something like this ....

cute huh?
i am trying to debate whether i should go get it done friday morning.
i probably will because i cannot take this shit i got in my head another day.
but i am also scared i'm gonna waste my money.
i don't have a regular hairstylist.
Again, I am so picky.
I refuse to pay 150-200 just for someone to put some weave in my hair only not to absolutely love it.
then the price of weave seems like it increases every fucking time i go back to buy some new weave.
i've given up using black diamond or milky way platinum and most definitely no remi (although i melt every time i look at it at the beauty supply) only to be unhappy with how the hairstylist put it in.
I have wasted countless quality hair and wack ass hairstylists.
So until I find that person,
Zury and Urban Beauty it shall be.
i used urban beauty for the first time with the hair i have in it.
i actually really like it.
i thought it was some cheap as weave.
but it was decent.
i liked it much more than Milky Way.
& it is cheaper.
1b 18inches I paid 40 a pack.
Milky Way & Zury is like 65.
I'd pay 65 for Zury though because I do like it.
I probably won't even get anything like those pics.
1b 18inches it will probably be.


that was so off tangent.


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