Wednesday, February 11, 2009
today sucked.
i totally fucked up my car A FUCKING GAIN.
i cut the corner of a parking of a parking spot to close
it had a big ass pole by the spot.
long story short,
i was too close to the pole to get out.
my car rubbed up against the pole and scratched the back door up!
this guy was kind enough to come and get me out of the spot tho.
nigga did that shit with no problem.
i was amazed.
my black ass had been attempting to get out the space probably 30 mins.
I'm gonna start saving my money for a paint job
cause Maxi needs it.

in other news school news,
i got an A on my victimology test.
i also got an A on my corrections test!
& thennn I got a 77 on my criminal justice statistics test.
which I am happy about cause I suck at math.
I made some pretty careless errors.
I could've easily had a B or even an A.

Valentine's Day is a few days away.
I'm so excited.
I finished my shopping.
I got Justin a engraved money clip.
because he keeps his money wadded up in his pocket & he claims he always loses his wallet.
i also got him a little gray rocawear hoodie.
he always wears this little black ecko hoodie.
shit needs a rest.
& I stayed within my budget of $50-60.
....the hoodie was like 40% off.
yay, me!
men's clothes are expensive as hell, btw.
plain motherfuckin hoodies were like $92
Akoo? I kept seeing that shit.
I believe it's T.I.'s line.
He doing too fucking much.
ninety fucking two dollars for a plain gray hoodie.

i also bought this little dress to wear to dinner from know style.
it turquoise & blk.
the bottom half is blk.
the top portion is turquoise.
& it looks like a ruffled turquoise shirt w/ a blk high waist skirt.
only 19.99!
i just need to buy some fishnets or some sort of cute tights and gold jewelry.
i also bought a few other items there.
i finally got me some of those leather looking leggins,
while I was there!

can't wait for valentines.
i know this nigga better get me something nice too!
some perfume, undies, SOMETHING.
& dinner.
I'm thinking Chow Baby.
It's a make your own stir fry place.
Shits on point!
& relatively cheap.
$11.99 and it's all you can eat.
& then, i'll buy a bottle for us to return to his place for more fun festivities!


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